Remember Me
Published on 08 January 2011 By Administrator 9571 downloads
Local Conservation Organizations.pdf
Here are some local organizations that offer ways to get involved with conservation issues in a variety of different ways. You can find out more information by visiting the web sites I’ve listed or my asking around the club, as many of your fellow Deep Creek Fly Fishers are involved in these organization as well. The Newsletter Editor
Published on 08 January 2011 By Administrator 9666 downloads
Golden Trout Project.pdf
The Golden Trout project is a collaborative effort to protect and restore the California Golden Trout. It is organized by the Califor-nia Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) and the U.S. Forest Ser-vice (USFS) with assistance from Trout Unlimited (TU), California Trout (CalTrout) and the Federation of Flyfishers (FFF).