I’m passing this request and link to the Lees Ferry Recreational Trout Fishery Recommendations on to all of you. You can choose to support the group as stated, or form your own comments. This is time sensitive.


Debbie Sharpton, 

Conservation VP Southwest Council


All, This needs a little attention and helping out here since I know how long and hard these guys have been at this and it's worthy. We have all in the past have had club trips or at least participation in fishing at Lee's Ferry which has had a bad time of it this past years due to the drought and experimentation with flow experimentations.  I think for the most part the interest has dwindled in going there because of this.  There is now a plan to bring it back like it was 10 years ago in.  It's as simple as making comment as an individual or entity on the NPS website above  and sending John Jordan an Email as a signatory.

I talked with John Jordan this morning.  His email is jcjordan1@cox.net  if you want to join on as signatory to his letter of comment on the EIS which the National Park Service is seeking comment on by the 9th (https://parkplanning.nps.gov/commentForm.cfm?documentID=70123)  John needs signatories earlier to organize hence the 5th deadline on his request.   Name of the game here is broad based response.
Lees Ferry Glen Canyon Dam Fish Management‏

We are in the final phase of organizing support for the Lees Ferry fishery elements of the Long Term Experimental Management Plan EIS for the operation of Glen Canyon Dam.  The LTEMP EIS will set the operation of the dam for the next twenty years and have a determinative effect on the success of the trout fishery.   The support of fishing and sportsman clubs, organizations, and individual anglers is critical in achieving support for amendments to the draft EIS plan.  In addition to individual letters we believe that a collective group letter is a most effective way of demonstrating broad support to the Federal agencies preparing the final EIS.

The Marble Canyon community members including business’s and guides are a most important element in influencing the content of the final LTEMP EIS.  We would like to include you and/or your business/lodge  on the attached comment letter related to the EIS, which will list supporting individuals and organizations.  These comments are consistent with the Lees Ferry Recreational Trout Fishery Recommendations, which many of you added your names in support.   The comments have also been coordinated with and are supported by the Arizona Game and Fish Department.  The Recreational Fishing Representatives (myself, John Hamill, Chris Budwig, and Joe Miller) on the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Work Group will be submitting specific changes to the draft EIS that are in line with the general recommendations in the attached letter.  Please let me know by May 5 if we may  include your name in the letter.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss further you may call me at (602) 840-4224.


John Jordan

Terry Gunn
Lees Ferry Anglers Fly Shop, Guides, & Rentals
Cliff Dwellers Lodge
Fax 928-355-2271

I’m passing this request and link to the Lees Ferry Recreational Trout Fishery Recommendations on to all of you. You can choose to support the group as stated, or form your own comments. This is time sensitive.


Debbie Sharpton, 

Conservation VP Southwest Council


All, This needs a little attention and helping out here since I know how long and hard these guys have been at this and it's worthy. We have all in the past have had club trips or at least participation in fishing at Lee's Ferry which has had a bad time of it this past years due to the drought and experimentation with flow experimentations.  I think for the most part the interest has dwindled in going there because of this.  There is now a plan to bring it back like it was 10 years ago in.  It's as simple as making comment as an individual or entity on the NPS website above  and sending John Jordan an Email as a signatory.

I talked with John Jordan this morning.  His email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  if you want to join on as signatory to his letter of comment on the EIS which the National Park Service is seeking comment on by the 9th (https://parkplanning.nps.gov/commentForm.cfm?documentID=70123)  John needs signatories earlier to organize hence the 5th deadline on his request.   Name of the game here is broad based response.
Lees Ferry Glen Canyon Dam Fish Management‏

We are in the final phase of organizing support for the Lees Ferry fishery elements of the Long Term Experimental Management Plan EIS for the operation of Glen Canyon Dam.  The LTEMP EIS will set the operation of the dam for the next twenty years and have a determinative effect on the success of the trout fishery.   The support of fishing and sportsman clubs, organizations, and individual anglers is critical in achieving support for amendments to the draft EIS plan.  In addition to individual letters we believe that a collective group letter is a most effective way of demonstrating broad support to the Federal agencies preparing the final EIS.

The Marble Canyon community members including business’s and guides are a most important element in influencing the content of the final LTEMP EIS.  We would like to include you and/or your business/lodge  on the attached comment letter related to the EIS, which will list supporting individuals and organizations.  These comments are consistent with the Lees Ferry Recreational Trout Fishery Recommendations, which many of you added your names in support.   The comments have also been coordinated with and are supported by the Arizona Game and Fish Department.  The Recreational Fishing Representatives (myself, John Hamill, Chris Budwig, and Joe Miller) on the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Work Group will be submitting specific changes to the draft EIS that are in line with the general recommendations in the attached letter.  Please let me know by May 5 if we may  include your name in the letter.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss further you may call me at (602) 840-4224.


John Jordan

Terry Gunn
Lees Ferry Anglers Fly Shop, Guides, & Rentals
Cliff Dwellers Lodge
Fax 928-355-2271