Native Lahontan Cutthroats Aided by Fly Fishing Clubs and IFFF
BRIDGEPORT, Calif. - California Lahontan cutthroat trout, squeezed out of their native Sierra habitat by illegally planted brook trout, will be reestablished and nurtured by a consortium of local fly-fishing clubs and the Southwest Council-International Federation of Fly Fishers (SWC-IFFF) in cooperation with the California Department of Fish & Wildlife (CDFW).
Target area is Silver Creek in the West Walker River watershed near Bridgeport.
A base camp will be established at the headwaters of Silver Creek and a team of 4-5 people will assist the CDFW with electro-fishing. The goal of this multi-year event is to eradicate the non-native brook trout so the stream can sustain a currently imperiled population of Lahontan cutthroat trout. Upon competition, Silver Creek will be opened to angling.Read more: Native Lahontan Cutthroats Aided by Fly Fishing Clubs and IFFF